The Dutch tax office Belastingdienst: efficient pre-completion of tax returns with Human Inference's DataPlatform

DataPlatform simplifies tax returns by verifying and matching data, as well as identifying individuals.
This allows the Dutch Tax Office, Belastingdienst, to accurately pre-fill millions of returns.

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For over two centuries, the Dutch tax office Belastingdienst has been a pillar of the Netherlands' financial well-being. Their commitment to collecting and levying state taxes and contributions fairly and precisely ensures that funds are available for vital services such as healthcare, education, and public transport.

A key aspect of Belastingdienst's operations is processing millions of returns annually, a complex task that involves linking vast amounts of data from multiple sources to records. To streamline this process and ensure accurate matching of external information with internal data, Belastingdienst has adopted Human Inference's DataPlatform software solution.

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Correct and complete data with DataPlatform

DataPlatform is an all-in-one data quality solution that uses natural language processing and fuzzy logic to improve contact information accuracy. It corrects contact data by identifying and correcting errors and matching similar records. This leaves only precise, unique, and correct relation data. As a result, organizations can operate more efficiently, and customers are more satisfied.

Accurate data identification and verification

Efficient handling and processing of returns starts with using the correct data.

Belastingdienst maintains an extensive database of data on taxpayers, including citizens and businesses. As this information often changes due to relocations or divorces, regular data updates are crucial.

The advanced DataPlatform software compares information from different sources. It matches, checks, and validates data and selects the right person. It ensures up-to-date records and guaranteed data quality. This works as follows:

Matching, checking, and validating data

Belastingdienst receives a diverse range of data from taxpayers through various bodies, such as salary data from employers and bank data from banks. All this information, in its varied formats, needs to be matched, verified, and validated.

Identification and verification via DataPlatform

Belastingdienst uses Data Platform for the identification and verification process.

The software compares personal data from different sources, such as the employer's and the bank's, to verify individuals' identities. This is done through a matching engine that compares information fault-tolerantly and identifies the individual. DataPlatform also verifies the citizen service number (BSN) by comparing it fault-tolerantly with the supplied personal data.

Pre-completed tax returns

Once a year, during the tax return season, the Belastingdienst receives a large amount of personal information from various agencies. DataPlatform assists in matching, checking, and validating data with existing information. This is crucial for the Belastingdienst to gain a comprehensive understanding of each taxpayer in the system and to accurately complete and prepare returns in advance. This may not make filing returns more fun, but it does make them easier.

A smooth and honest tax experience

The Belastingdienst wants to provide everyone with a smooth and honest tax experience. DataPlatform helps them achieve that goal by verifying information and identifying individuals. In doing so, they improve every pre-completed return and process the millions of returns efficiently and correctly.

A visual summary of this complete process:


The advantages of DataPlatform in brief

Efficient operation

The software makes the tax return process easier by linking the correct data to the Belastingdienst database. This allows them to process and pre-fill returns faster.

Reliable data

The software identifies and verifies all data, ensuring the Belastingdienst always has accurate taxpayer information for correct tax returns.

Always up-to-date

The software carefully checks data and ensures correct records, allowing Belastingdienst to perform tasks smoothly.

Benefits of the software solution for Belastingdienst

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