Central Criminal Records Office (Justid):
precise criminal history evaluation
through fuzzy logic techniques

How fuzzy logic software enhances Justid's review process, making 90% of data more quickly and easily accessible.

Explore the Justid case

The Central Criminal Records Office, also known as Justitiële Informatiedienst (Justid) in the Netherlands, is part of the Ministry of Justice and Security. Its responsibility is to provide confidential information, such as fingerprints, criminal history, and detention data, at crucial moments.

The Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) carefully examines an individual's criminal record to determine the appropriate punishment. However, this task is not without its challenges, as the critical information in Justid's Criminal Records System (JDS) is not uniformly recorded, and multiple information streams converge. To navigate this complexity, Justid relies on Human Inference's fuzzy logic-based software solution, which aids in understanding an individual accurately and making a correct assessment.

About fuzzy logic: the art of nuance

Fuzzy logic is a mathematical approach that helps deal with imprecise or uncertain information. This methodology avoids relying solely on binary "true" or "false" statements, instead utilizing a range of truth values. By using terms such as "very high" or "reasonably low," fuzzy logic provides a more nuanced understanding of complex human thinking and decision-making. It is particularly beneficial when precise definitions are lacking, but realistic results are essential.

From identity registration to risk assessment in just four steps

From identity registration to risk assessment in just four steps

1. Identity registration and file structure

When an individual is arrested, detained, or suspected of committing a crime, law enforcement officers record their identity, including personal information such as name and date of birth, using identification methods like fingerprints and ID cards.

2. A complete picture of individuals

The OM requests information from the JDS to complete record files and obtain a comprehensive profile of an individual. The JDS stores various types of information, which are analyzed using the Human Inference software solution. This software utilizes fuzzy logic to analyze unstructured data and identify similarities and differences. It accomplishes this by employing a technique called fuzzy matching, which determines the level of similarity between pieces of information. This approach helps prevent information duplication, locate individuals, and match them with corresponding data already stored in the JDS, enabling the OM to map offenses accurately.

3. Analysis of violations

Once violations are identified, the software assesses their severity, differentiating between minor offenses and more serious crimes.

4. Risk estimation

After analyzing the data, the software generates a report that includes findings and a full risk assessment of an individual. The OM then uses this report to determine necessary follow-up actions, such as imposing fines or filing lawsuits. The OM also shares the findings with other relevant agencies and authorities if needed.

Faster and automatic access to information

Thorough, sharp, and smooth: the benefits of the
software solution for Justid


Justid checks criminal histories more accurately by creating a single clear picture from all sources of information, even if they are not uniformly recorded.


Justid accurately assesses and analyzes previous offenses and misdemeanors by finding similarities and patterns that would otherwise be missed.


Justid can save time by using automated analyses instead of manually comparing different pieces of information, which is time-consuming and error-prone.

The benefits of the software solution for Justid

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